kds programs
Kinetic Program
The Kinetic program is designed for students who are looking for focused dance education and training. We teach with hope of providing strong dance education coupled with loads of fun and a loving environment. The Kinetic Program is set up with the notion of building well-rounded dancers. We strive to provide dancers with the building blocks and technique that will ultimately be utilized in many dance styles. Therefore, we highly encourage our dancers to study ballet alongside the many other styles we offer. Dancers will have the opportunity to add a variety of styles to their schedule. Dancers perform in our annual performance.
Styles: Ballet - Pointe - Jazz - Tap - Hip Hop - Lyrical - Modern - Contemporary - Acro - Recreational Competition Teams - All Boys Hip Hop
First 45 minute/1-hour class — $70/month
Additional 1-hr or 45 min class — $45/month
30-min class — $35/month
elite kinetic program
The Elite Kinetic Program is an opportunity for our dancers to become a part of a more accelerated dance program. Admission into the Elite Kinetic Program is via audition before each dance season and director’s approval. Dancers in this program are required to take at least 4 technique classes. All dancers in the Elite Kinetic Program are required to take both Ballet and Jazz and must have at least two consecutive years of training in both styles prior to acceptance. After that, dancers may enroll in any of our other style electives.. Dancers in this program perform in our annual performance and at various other performance opportunities under the guidance of KDS.
Mandatory classes: Ballet & Jazz
Electives: Pointe - Tap - Hip Hop - Lyrical - Modern - Contemporary - Acro
4 classes — $250/month
Any additional elective — $50 per month
Unlimited Class Package— $425
private lessons
Private lessons are available for all Kinetic dancers if they choose to partake in them. It provides dancers with a one-on-one setting where they can train with more individualized attention focusing on any skills or genre they desire!
Single Lessons & Private Lesson Packages available. Contact us for more information.
KDS competition teamS
Competition Team opportunities are available for dancers in our Elite & Kinetic Program. Acceptance onto our competition teams is done via audition only. Dancers who audition and are accepted into the Elite Kinetic Program will have the option to participate in one of our competition teams.
Seasonal auditions are held each summer
Each of our competition teams perform a variety of group routines at several regional competitions. Solo, Duet & Trio opportunities are also available to dancers on our competition teams and are based upon agreement with our Studio Director.
Contact us to set up an audition for appropriate placement
Contact us for solo/duet opportunities

want to try a class?
Contact us and we can help find a complimentary class for you to try!